
North Cyprus
  Invest in Future

Cyprus Turkish Investment Development Agency;
provides you with support in Northern Cyprus which has a strategic location in the Mediterranean, natural beauty, nice climate and safe living environment and many investment opportunities.


The Turkish Cypriot Investment Development Agency (YAGA) is established by the Local Authorities in Northern Cyprus with the aim of becoming the “one-stop-shop” for both local and foreign investors who are interested in investing in Northern Cyprus. 


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                                            Sed Blandit Libero Volutpat

YAGA Director Ebru Kaptan Sertoğlu and the accompanying delegation held high-level meetings in Northern Ireland.

YAGA took the first steps towards similar studies that can be applied in our country by examining the best practices for the investment agency, one-stop shop, business development and incubation center models in Northern Ireland.

Yatırım Geliştirme Ajansı (YAGA) 0 11597

YAGA took the first steps towards similar studies that can be applied in our country by examining the best practices for the investment agency, one-stop shop, business development and incubation center models in Northern Ireland.


YAGA Director Ebru Kaptan Sertoğlu and the accompanying delegation attended the "Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) High Level Public and Private Sector Investment Conference" held in Istanbul on 8-9 December 2019.

Yatırım Geliştirme Ajansı (YAGA) 0 10546


Cyprus Turkish Investment Development Agency (YAGA)
Tabak Derviş Efendi Street , No.5, Köşklüçiftlik 
Nicosia, Northern Cyprus, via Mersin 10 Turkey
(0392) 22 82 317 - 22 89 378

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